What is mammoplasty?

Breast augmentation by surgery

The most attractive, graceful, attractive woman's figure is her curves. And women themselves consider the ideal body, exactly as they see it, to be a source of their pride and value.

Perhaps for the first time in history, the modern woman can have the body she wants. And also thanks to plastic surgery. A woman's bust is the part of the body that women want to see first and foremost. And mammoplasty or mammoplasty will help them with this.

Mammoplasty is a type of surgical intervention in the field of plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to correct the shape and/or size of the mammary glands. Often, to achieve the result, a special endoprosthesis (silicone implant) is placed under the gland or under the pectoral muscle, if this is the patient's wish.

Today, mammoplasty is one of the most common operations in the field of aesthetic medicine for women. It aims to address conditions such as micromastia (insufficient breast volume) or excessive volume (macromastia), tubular mammary glands, breast asymmetry or ptosis, post-lactation, mastectomy, massive weight loss and age-related changes. . Breast augmentation with silicone implants is one of the most common requests from patients to plastic surgeons.

Types of mammoplasty

Mammoplasty is divided into three types according to purpose.

Augmentation mammoplasty (enlargement) gives a natural shape and tone. In most cases, plastic surgeons achieve results by placing silicone breast implants. With its help, you can add volume to your breasts and give them beautiful shapes while maintaining the function of lactation (the ability to produce milk).

Augmentation mammoplasty is divided according to the type of access to the gland through the incision. Today, three of them are training:

  • Axillary access - from the arm
  • Areolar - along the lower or upper edge of the areola
  • Inframmary - in the region of the inframmary fold.

The surgeon chooses the type of admission individually for each patient, purpose, tissue condition, desired shape, breast size, etc. Sh.

Reduction mammoplasty is the reduction of breast size. This allows you to restore the elasticity and aesthetic appearance of the bust, adjust the size of the nipples and areolas.

Mastopexy - breast lift. It is often performed in conjunction with augmentation or reduction mammoplasty. An isolated mastopexy is performed by tightening the skin, sometimes using maneuvers to move the glandular tissue and fix it in a higher position, as an alternative to an implant, thereby correcting the shape and volume of the breast, but often during a lift. Silicone implants are used in both mammoplasty and augmentation.

Breast implants and their forms

Modern breast implants or implants go through many tests and studies before they are certified and reach the end user.

They are recognized as absolutely hypoallergenic, biologically compatible with human tissue and safe to use. The risk of rejection is reduced to zero;

According to the shape, the implants are divided into round and anatomical (drop-shaped). Their surface can be smooth or microtextured. They are made from certified hypoallergenic medical silicone. There are several leading global manufacturers. In a modern clinic, surgeons work with high-quality implants of various well-known companies.

A plastic surgeon will help you choose an implant that is suitable in terms of shape and size during a mandatory consultation that precedes the surgical intervention itself.

Mammoplasty indications

Mammoplasty indications will be:

  • Ptosis as a result of age-related changes, breastfeeding, sudden weight loss
  • tubular breast
  • Asymmetry of mammary glands
  • Macromastia - very large breasts that cause physical discomfort. This can cause bad posture, back pain, interfere with exercise and sleep, excessive sweating in the area of the inframammary fold causes moral suffering and significantly lowers a woman's self-esteem.
  • Micromastia - insufficient volume
  • Conditions, defects after mastectomy
  • The patient's personal desire to enlarge or change the shape of the breast/areola/nipple in the absence of contraindications to such surgery

Contraindications of mammoplasty

Contraindications include:

  • Oncology before treatment and oncologist's permission
  • Dynamically growing neoplasms before cure
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation
  • Serious blood diseases related to blood clotting
  • Epilepsy
  • Diseases in which general anesthesia is contraindicated
  • HIV, B and C hepatitis
  • Serious mental disorders, especially schizophrenia
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Age up to 18 years
  • Serious kidney dysfunction
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Pregnancy at all stages, lactation. At least 6 months should pass after the end of breastfeeding for the processes in the mammary glands to stop naturally.

Also, surgery is not performed due to the increased risk of bleeding during menstruation.

Preparation for surgery

The first thing that happens when preparing for mammoplasty is a consultation with a plastic surgeon. He collects the anamnesis, conducts an examination and talks to the patient. If there are no previously identified contraindications to mammoplasty, then the patient is prescribed medical tests.

General and biochemical analysis of blood, ultrasound of the mammary glands and veins of the lower limbs will be mandatory for everyone. In addition, the doctor can prescribe other studies or consultations with specialists. During the consultation, the doctor and the patient choose the type and size of the implant if breast augmentation is planned.

A month before surgery, you should give up alcohol and nicotine - these substances slow down tissue regeneration processes, healing is much worse, this is confirmed by many international studies. 2 weeks before the date, it is recommended to stop taking hormonal drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, vitamins and drugs that affect blood clotting.

Stages of the operation

The process of breast surgery looks like this:

  1. The surgeon marks the lines on which the incisions will be made with a special marker
  2. Then the operation itself begins, with or without implants.
  3. If it is a mastopexy or reduction mammoplasty, then the excess tissue is excised during the operation. If it is breast augmentation, then pre-selected silicone implants are installed during the operation.
  4. A self-absorbing suture is placed and that's it

Recommendations after the procedure

Perhaps the most important recommendation is to follow the doctor's recommendations.

In general, the following should be noted:

  • Expect to spend at least one night in the hospital. On the first day, it is better to entrust yourself to medical specialists who will be nearby
  • Wearing compression garments. This is a mandatory condition - without it, the risk of complications increases significantly
  • During the first 7-10 days, you should regularly visit the clinic for examinations. Your attending physician will provide you with a schedule of visits. Further visits to clinics depend on the specifics of rehabilitation

During the 1-month rehabilitation period, it is not recommended to engage in sports only on the back; It is undesirable to drive the car because the belts carry compressive loads. You should also avoid visiting solariums, saunas, baths and swimming pools immediately after the operation. Alcohol and smoking are not recommended.

Some myths about mammoplasty

  1. Implants affect breastfeeding. There may be little or no milk.
    not true. Modern implants absolutely do not affect lactation and are safe for both mother and child. They are installed under the muscle or under the mammary gland without disturbing its physiology, including the ducts.
  2. There are safe folk or pharmaceutical methods of breast enlargement and they are effective.
    No. To date, such non-invasive/folk methods with proven effectiveness still do not exist. And there may be health risks, but are usually not warned about.
  3. Over time, the breast will shrink again and another operation will be needed.
    Gravity and age-related changes affect breasts with implants as well as without. The manufacturers themselves give a lifetime warranty on the implants, which means that while they are in place, nothing will happen to them. But does this mean that a second operation will not be necessary? - No, it doesn't mean that. Breasts will not look the same forever as they did after surgery and may require minor correction after 15-20 years. There are many reasons for this: weight gain, pregnancy, lactation, capsular contracture, ptosis.
  4. After surgery, there will be scars that do not go away.
    not really. No scar can be completely removed, it is there and remains after any surgery, the question is how noticeable it is. The quality of the scar is influenced by many factors, such as genetics, immunity, the course of the postoperative period, and whether the surgeon sutured the wound correctly. Scars can be corrected using cosmetic methods (laser, collagen therapy, etc. ) as well as on any surface with thin dermis - face, neck, stomach. And if you follow all the doctor's recommendations in the postoperative period, the tissue will be scarred correctly, without a significant area. As a last resort, an unsatisfactory scar can always be corrected surgically.
  5. After the operation, the breast will lose sensitivity.
    After the manipulation, the sensitivity of the breast really decreases - this is due to many processes, trauma to the sensitive branches and post-operative swelling. At the end of the rehabilitation period, in most cases, sensitivity returns.

Mammoplasty prices 

Mammoplasty prices differ depending on the rating of the clinic, the qualification and experience of the doctor, and the type of implantation. The price is also affected by options included in the package: hospital stay, compression garments, post-operative support, bandages with consumables.

For example, if only a breast lift is performed without installing implants, the price of mastopexy starts from 250, 000 rubles.

If the breast lift involves the use of implants, then the price of the operation will start from 270, 000 rubles and above.

On average, a breast lift operation with an implant and postoperative support costs a patient 270, 000 - 350, 000 rubles.


Today, plastic surgery is successfully gaining momentum in our country and becoming affordable. More and more women, whose breasts have experienced age-related hormonal changes, suffered after mastectomy, or initially did not correspond to the ideal of a housewife, are deciding thanks to plastic surgery and getting the breasts of their dreams.

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that corrects the shape and size of the breast. Most often, breast augmentation, areola size, and breast lift are performed during any of the three types of mammoplasty, achieving exactly the result the patient desires. Modern implants are safe and consist of hypoallergenic silicone, moreover, they are approved by the FDA (an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services). Mammoplasty performed by an experienced, highly qualified surgeon is a way to have the bust of your dreams, the subject of compliments and joy for many years.